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Performance Coaching

DISC Personality and
Team Profiling

"In order to be understood, we must first seek
to understand"
 Steven Covey


Based on the comprehensive work of Dr William Moulton Marston (Harvard University) in the 1920s, DISC personality profiling is now one of the most widely used behavioural models for businesses worldwide.


People are different but they are predictably different. DISC characterises different personality types and identifies the key drivers, motivators and fears that shape an individual’s interactions and performance. By understanding the different styles and preferences, knowledge of DISC can increase awareness and provide the insight to communicate effectively with anyone, and to manage people in any environment.


People respond better to those they like and understand. Understanding behavioural styles enables better leadership and better communication. It helps to minimise and prevent conflict as well as enhancing teamwork, influence and motivation through an understanding and appreciation of the differences in others.

  • Improve communication

  • Increase productivity and efficiency

  • Recruit the right people

  • Enhance relationships, both personal and professional

  • Identify key areas for development

  • Drive powerful performance

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How DISC Can Help You

Team Building 

  • Creates understanding of different personality styles and ways of working within a team, increases rapport and mutual respect


  • Identifies areas of development, natural strengths and optimises team culture


  • Improves communication within a team, leading to improved morale, productivity, sharing of information, and efficiency in projects

Leadership Development 

  • Enhances leadership skills through behavioural awareness


  • Empowers leaders to work to their strengths and to the strengths of those on their team, creates understanding of what motivates others and improves communication


  • Enables leaders to adapt their innate style to build presence and gravitas in meetings, make their points effectively, and achieve tangible outcomes 

Recruitment/Talent Management

  • Insight how an individual might handle the job, how they would work in a team, and how they may approach challenges


  • Select someone who is the right fit for a role, gain insight into their preferred management style, and understand the environment in which they will perform best


  • Increase the chances of a successful placement and proven to decrease turnover

Contact Me

"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island
looking for boats to save..." 
Anne Lamott


Clearly understanding what you want to achieve is key to knowing what actions are the ones that will work for you. 

Coaching can help you achieve your ambitions faster and more effectively than if you worked  alone. 

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